Tuesday, 1 April 2014

It's Aliiive!

Yeah well, just like Frankenstein's monster (although, as i recall, Frankenstein had no internet... or blog), it's alive and i'm back. To stress you with my wrong-doings which might even do some right once in a while.

Right now i'm in Bangkok waiting for my Myanmar visa and i'm staying at this old guesthouse close to Kao San Road, the main tourist area in Bangkok (for anyone who's interested it's the Original Central Guesthouse, 61st Tanao Road, really close to the New Central Guesthouse). And i can't resist not showing everyone what my hosts are doing. So please watch (and conceivably like) this video they've created with their cats. Just a heads-up: there's not just one such video. If you check out the uploader's profile, you'll find some more...



  1. Wow... Si eu care credeam ca te plictisesti pe acolo

    1. @Mihaela Buhoci: Dap, si eu credeam ca ma plictisesc da' uite cat de tare se plictisesc alti oameni... :D
